There is a website where you can sign up, add all the cookbooks you own, and search for recipes. I read about it once and now I want to use it and cannot remember the name. What is it? Also, do you use or like it?

  • Posted by: LBurt
  • September 21, 2010


Foodelf September 25, 2010
I love it, sorry - this is a late response to your question. I get a lot more practical use from my cookbooks now that I have the ability to skim through the recipes online. I'm sure you're aware, by now, that a search for a recipe will show all matches that exist in your cookbook library and while it doesn't reveal the actual recipe, it does show ingredients.

I find it a very useful resource.
LBurt September 21, 2010
Yes! Thanks you!
Kitchen B. September 21, 2010
I don't use it but I have a friend who swears by it. I just haven't had the time to add all my books but I can see how great a concept it is - int hat it saves you hours of searching through your pike of books. At least it would save me...
Kitchen B. September 21, 2010
Is it 'eat your books'
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