I signed up to join Food 52 blog a couple of years ago. but I never get anyemails or alerts from this site. Why has this happened. I tried re signing

I signed up to join Food 52 blog a couple of years ago. but I never get any emails or alerts from this site. Why has this happened. I tried to re sign up, but they said my email was already in use. Yes it is mine but I an not ever notified? Can anyone help. Please I do like the blog a lot and would like to hear from it.What is a tag??

Jesse Irish


sexyLAMBCHOPx December 14, 2013
I haven't received any emails or alerts since the site updated its website 2 years ago. I did try emailing the editor many moons ago but never heard back. However, I do get the provisions emails like clock-work.
Kristen M. December 14, 2013
Yes, we can definitely help. Please email [email protected] to troubleshoot -- we don't want to be discussing your account details here. Thank you!
Kristen M. December 13, 2013
Hi Jesse -- you might want to check your spam filter, and make sure that emails from [email protected] are getting through.

If you need more help with this, it would be great if you could email [email protected] so we can try to help fix this issue in a less public spot. Thanks for your kind words -- we'll try to get you back in the loop!
Jesse I. December 14, 2013
Nothing from Food52 is ever in my spam folder, which I check everyday, so that is not the problem with your site sending emails to my site. Can you fix it.
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