Regarding the 8-inch springform pan, which manufacturer is used in the video? I've been researching the pans and reviews are all over the map. T...

...he pan "looks" like a Chicago Metallic, but since Food52 sells a lot of Nordicware, I'm wondering if that is the manufacturer. Thanks in advance..

Patty Harris


Kristen M. December 10, 2018
I just checked our cake pan stash and it looks like this one is a Norpro tin springform (not nonstick, which is helpful for encouraging the cloud to climb up the sides without slipping).
Patty H. December 10, 2018
Thanks! I went ahead and purchased a not nonstick Chicago Metallic version - looks like it should work!
702551 December 7, 2018
The brand shouldn't matter that much.

For sure, commercial bakeries, restaurants, and catering services aren't using frou-frou premium gear.

The springform pan in the video is pretty shiny, likely made of tin, not aluminum.

It's very possible that it's just a relatively inexpensive generic commercial-grade pan like a Browne, Winco or NorPro rather some fancy name brand pan.
dkv December 7, 2018
Not sure but I can tell you that I have made this cake probably 10 times in foreign kitchens and equally foreign pans around the world and can safely
Confirm that this cake is foolproof no matter which springform you cook it in.
Smaug December 7, 2018
I've never made it in anything but a springform, but I'm not at all sure it's necessary as it has no real tendency to stick; I think it could be made in any deep cake pan, such as a traditional cheesecake pan. Without seeing the reviews, I would guess that complaints mostly involve leakage- not a problem with this recipe.
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