Search within food52

Editors or management -
I've notice the search function within the site now doesn't allow one to choose a category to search (features, users, et al).
Instead, it gives two or three shop choices and a small handful of food categories to search recipes.
I'm finding the restricted options less useful than the previous search set-up.
Please consider reverting to previous search mode.

  • Posted by: Nancy
  • December 18, 2018


mrslarkin December 20, 2018
I use google for most searches, because this search engine is so maddening. For example, if I want to see my recipes using tarragon, I’ll google “mrslarkin tarragon food52” and all my tarragon recipes show up. But if I type “mrslarkin tarragon” in this search, I get zilch. Or if I’m looking for someone else’s recipe, same thing. Like “Bevi salad”. Nothing here, but all of Bevi’s salads on the google.
Smaug December 20, 2018
Could be worse- in a desperate attempt to locate Amazon's ever more elusive customer service dept., I tried a site search for customer service- it led me to a page of books about how to use Amazon's customer service. By la by, if you use Amazon, I've had several received shipments falsely noted by the carrier as "handed directly to customer"- this could be problematic if the package gets stolen and you try to report it.
Nancy December 20, 2018
OK...this is getting tangential to original question, but fun. Ex-NASA engineer had Amazon package(s) stolen from his porch. So he made a stink-bomb glitter-bomb combo that would detonate on the next thief. And record the whole thing. Not customer service, but sweet revenge.
Smaug December 20, 2018
As they say at Herbie's Hiawatha Lodge, Nothin' Beats Fun. One free plaudit to anyone who gets that reference.
Bevi December 19, 2018
sideways through google and also I did discover that when you look for general categories in recipes and then click return all the recipes that apply do come up. Thanks
Nancy December 19, 2018
Thanks, Bevi, for the sideways search route. Nancy
Smaug December 18, 2018
Food 52 has made a lot of changes like this lately and they usually work out after a while (I think- actually there are a lot of features that I don't use). In the meantime you could always go sideways through Google.
Nancy December 18, 2018
Thanks, Smaug.
Laura December 18, 2018
Hi Nancy -- thanks for reaching out. We've simplified the search interface based on a number of factors, including user feedback. We'll continue to optimize the feature over time and will certainly consider your feedback. A quick tip: once you type a search term and hit enter, you can easily navigate to other search categories by clicking on the links for Shop, Articles, or Hotline. All of these sections are now easily accessible and can be searched across from a single place.

Hope this is helpful!
Bevi December 18, 2018
This revision does not factor in searching for recipes by listing either an ingredient or a type of dish, such as "curry" or "lentil soup".
Laura December 18, 2018
Bevi, actually we do index and search ingredients, along with the recipe name and the dish type. If you can provide a specific example of a recipe that you'd expect to see when searching for a particular term, I can investigate!
Nancy December 18, 2018
HI back, Laura.
Well, thanks for explaining food52 intentions with this search function change.
In practice, it doesn't work (for me).
Doesn't turn up links to Shop, Articles or Hotline.
Only gives the 2 shopping links, 2 suggested recipes, 4 ingredient links.
Bugs in the system?
Back to the drawing board?
Laura December 18, 2018
Hi again, Nancy! The Shop and recipe links in the search panel are just a few recommendations based on what you’ve typed into the search bar. After you type your search terms and hit enter, you’ll be directed to the complete results and can navigate to additional Shop, article, and hotline results via the links on the search page. I hope this helps! And thanks again for your feedback!
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