Categories on recipes

I'm finding categories on some of my recipes that I know I didn't add. First Night in Florence Spaghetti lists Can Be Made Ahead (no, it can't) and One Pot Wonder (which it isn't - it's a two-pot wonder). I've noticed others similarly modified. How did this happen?



mcd2 October 16, 2011
my screen is black text on whitish background. i wonder why it's different on different systems...

my text is very small also.
boulangere October 16, 2011
Thanks for the suggestion, susan g. I've made it as large as I can using the green + button. It's certainly better, but still very small and way too pale in color.
mensaque October 16, 2011
Thanks for the info Susan G!Unfortunately,I don't have a geek in hand right now,but when I find one I'll let you know!Geeks are so usefull nowadays...How to live without them anymore?But about contrast adjust:just tryed it.Does not work on the "dirty white thing".At least not for me!
mensaque October 16, 2011
This "dirty white" background is really hard on the eyes.The amount of money spent on aspirin keeps me from buying a new Mac,sister...I hear you!
mensaque October 16, 2011
It took me five minutes to add this answer.And I had to hit the box again causing it to apear twice...I don't know if it is good enough for a double feature!Anyhow,I've seen this error before.Why is that?
mensaque October 16, 2011
This "dirty white" background is really hard on the eyes.The amount of money spent on aspirin keeps me from buying a new Mac,sister...I hear you!
boulangere October 16, 2011
Seriously, I can't spend more than about 15 minutes at a time on the site because it pulls at my eyes so much. I'd sell my firstborn (don't tell him, please), for a darker font. Larger, and I'd sell my second-born, too. But darker would be a gift.
susan G. October 16, 2011
Can you adjust contrast? (Ask a geek -- and that's certainly not me!)
boulangere October 16, 2011
You may be the first person to echo my complaint about the size and pale color of the font. I find it difficult to read to the point that my eyes water and I get a headache. No way I'm buying a new computer to use a website. Me and my Mac, we're solid.
mensaque October 16, 2011
I am donw on my knees,boulangere...trying to read these tiny tiny letters.There's no use to my chair anymore.I think I'll sell it and buy a bigger screen!
susan G. October 16, 2011
You can make the print bigger. It's different for Macs and PC's and seems to be different for different operating systems. I made it work on my PC by holding down the Ctrl button and pushing + to enlarge, - to reduce. Ask a geek!
boulangere October 16, 2011
I would fall down on my knees before a User's Guide.
susan G. October 16, 2011
This brings me to the question of tags on Hotline questions. Peter (while we have your attention), my understanding is that tags are to make searches work appropriately. Right now they're in the wild west stage. Back to my "lets get an updated FAQ's, or User's Manual" nag.
sdebrango October 16, 2011
I've noticed that also my coco lime slushy is listed as an appetizer. I am going through as I see them and editing. Yes God Bless the interns!!
Peter October 16, 2011
Hmmm.... appetizer, huh? Maybe that's not ideal for a boozy drink. On the other hand, I also see it's categorized as "Boozy Drinks, Desserts, Fruit, Hors d'oeuvres, Spring, Summer, Vegan, Vegetarian". If they did all those (it may have been your editing) then 8 out 9 ain't bad!
Peter October 16, 2011
You're welcome, and we're of course sorry that some of the categorizing was a little... far-reaching. :-) But we were so excited over all the new categories and intersections of categories (Anyone up for a "can be made ahead" "fruit" "dessert"?) that we felt that better to overreach than to launch with a bit of a ghost-town.
boulangere October 16, 2011
with 5 ingredients or fewer
boulangere October 16, 2011
Ahh, god bless the interns. Mystery solved. Thank you very much, Peter.
Peter October 16, 2011
Long story short, we had some very productive Summer interns categorize the 12,000+ recipes on Food52. While in general they did a great job, they certainly made some questionable judgement calls and a few outright mistakes (especially on the much older recipes when they were warming up).

We encourage you to edit any and all of your recipes to categorize them as you feel is appropriate -- you'll see all these terms as choices when you create or edit a recipe -- and intend to send an email to that effect all recipe creators as soon as we feel the tools and site are stable enough to handle it.
boulangere October 16, 2011
Five Ingredients or Fewer is cropping up on some of my recipes now. Where did that come from? I'm not really a fan of that approach to cooking - seems more designed to keep people out of the kitchen rather than get them in. And Feeds A Crowd. Well, if someone's idea of a crowd is 8, as the recipe says it feeds, ok. But seriously, where are these coming from?
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