Meringue turns into marshmallow

Hello! I consider myself a decent amateur baker. However, my favorite dessert is one of the most easy desserts and for some reason, never works out. Every time I try to make pavlova, after adding the sugar, my meringue turns into a more marshmallow fluff consistency - shiny and smooth, sticky, doesn't really hold peaks. It bakes up ok but it is not what I am going for. Ironically I have made sponge cakes and other whipped egg white desserts without any trouble. I do room temp eggs, make sure there is no yolk, clean my bowl so everything is grease-free, add the sugar slowly, etc. I have begun adding sugar when the eggs are foamy or already holding peaks. Everything I try gives the same result. Any ideas? Thanks!

Mollie M
  • Posted by: Mollie M
  • December 25, 2018


Lori T. December 28, 2018
Part of the trouble might lie with the size of the sugar grains themselves. Mine is a bit on the larger side, so I give it a whiz in the food processor before I go on to making the meringue. Are you using cream of tartar? I find that indispensable myself. Pavlovas are made using a French meringue, and are supposed to end up with a crispy outside and a marshmallow-y interior, as well. So if you were expecting a dry meringue like texture throughout, that's not what you end up with this type of meringue.
HalfPint December 28, 2018
Might be adding the sugar too quickly and not beating enough in between additions of sugar.
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