Are the eggs in cake this recipe measured in weight or volume?

This recipe lists eggs in Oz. Are they fluid or weight ounces?

I am thinking volume since 8oz of egg yolks would be roughly 16 eggs which seems way too high.

Walnut Sponge

8 oz. Egg Yolks
5 oz. Sugar
8 oz. Egg Whites
6 oz. Sifted All Purpose Flour
5oz. Chopped Walnuts
Combine egg yolks with 2oz. sugar in bowl of electric mixer. Beat at medium speed until thick and light in color.

In another bowl beat egg whites with remaining sugar to medium peaks.

Gently fold egg whites into egg yolk mixture.

Fold sifted flour and chopped walnuts into egg mixture.

Spread batter on parchment lined sheet pan and bake at 425 degrees
For 10-15 minutes.

When cooled completely cut into 3inch rounds and set aside.

Mike Sklens


Nancy November 21, 2016
There may be an error in your walnut sponge cake recipe (or just a lot of eggs).
Use instead the one on this site by Alice Medrich, one by Serious Eats or another respected/tested source.
To your original question, eggs are a food where liquid and weight measures overlap.
Nancy November 21, 2016
PS Here are links to the Medrich recipe (which uses 5 eggs),
one from Delia Smith in the UK (which uses 2), and one from Martha Stewart (which is for almond sponge but you could sub walnuts, which uses 3).
(When I looked more closely, I saw that the Serious Eats recipe is Medrich's, reprinted as part of a review.)
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