Overthinking Three Bean Chili
I have three bags of dried beans on my kitchen counter -- white, black, and red. Can I soak/pre-cook any them together -- maybe the red and black beans?
Alan M.January 5, 2019
Here's another thought, have you tried cooking them in an "Instant Pot" type of electric pressure cooker. I made a batch of ham and beans the other day, no soaking, just dumped everything and cooked on beans for 65 minutes. Tender, creamy, nummy! (1 lb. beans to 6 cups stock / water)
MelusineJanuary 5, 2019
Thanks -- my major concern was different cooking times. My husband is vegetarian, so no smoked ham hock for us (sigh). I'll try it and see if the black/red beans bleed into the white or not.
Alan M.January 5, 2019
I'd soak and cook them separately so their colors don't bleed together. The black beans would turn the rest into a muddled brownish shade of ...em... p**py grayish yuck.
creamteaJanuary 4, 2019
I cook different varieties all together very frequently.
C S.January 4, 2019
Yes, you can soak and or cook all of them together if you wish. I recently cooked up 3 kinds of dry beans I had from the farmer's market this summer with a smoked ham hock. We ate some and I froze the rest for soups later in the winter. I don't know of any reason not to cook them together unless you want to compare the flavor profiles.
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