Weight of nuts

Does one weigh the nuts 1st, (not yet ground) as 1/2 lb, or weigh the ground nuts as 1/2?

Mary Harsacky
Teta Ole's Walnut Torte
Recipe question for: Teta Ole's Walnut Torte


Julija March 26, 2019
I’m sure my great-aunt eyeballed the amount of nuts - but I usually weigh the nuts before chopping them. Agree with the comments that it probably won’t make a material difference one way or the other. And, this is a pretty forgiving recipe, on the whole! Hope you enjoy it!
Lori T. March 26, 2019
The way the ingredients list reads, you would be weighing out the nuts after they have been roasted and ground. Truthfully if you weigh the nuts before grinding, there should not be enough of a difference in final weight to be overly concerned. But if you choose to weigh after grinding, and find you have some left over, it can be stored in an airtight bag in the freezer for many months, ready to use next time.
cookbookchick March 26, 2019
I’m thinking either way will work because you are using weight, not volume, to measure the nuts. Whole or ground, they should weigh the same. Personally, I would weigh the nuts first and then chop or grind them.
Smaug March 26, 2019
Grinding shouldn't effect the weight (beyond what little sticks in your grinder), but they should be toasted first. The quantity won't be at all critical in this filling anyway.
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