Is the cabbage still crunchy when these are finished?

I want to feed it to a 1 year old who has no back teeth yet, so soft-ish foods are necessary.

  • Posted by: cmac
  • July 7, 2019
Recipe question for: Okonomiyaki


trampledbygeese July 11, 2019
My friend is from Osaka and she raised her toddlers on okonomiyaki - I'm pretty sure it's one of the very first foods she fed them after the banana mush stage. For the young ones, she chopped the cabbage up extra fine. Sometimes their teeth were sensitive (teething?) so she slightly steamed the veg in the microwave first, but most of the time they were fine.

She used to add a lot of extra veg in this dish. I suspect that's why her kids are huge broccoli fans.
Kristen W. July 8, 2019
Since the cabbage is shredded it would probably be at least somewhat soft, but here are a couple of thoughts if you want to be extra careful:

1) Use Savoy cabbage because the leaves are more tender than “regular” cabbage

2) pre-cook the cabbage to the desired softness, let it cool and then add it to the mix. If you don’t want to add any extra oil to the dish you could even steam it to wilt it.

Good luck!
cmac July 8, 2019
That's a great idea to use Savoy! Or to steam it. We'll give it a shot, thanks so much for your reply!
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