how to make the spoon bread more creamy, and repurpose the too-dry results?

As soon as I added the cornmeal to the boiling milk, all the liquid disappeared! my arm muscles were aching as I tried to whisk the dry mixture and make it sort of smooth. I omitted the cheese/chives, adding the extra salt/sugar as indicated and found it to be very bland along with much drier than I had anticipated.

Two questions:
1) I am looking for ways to repurpose the product instead of throwing it out. I have some yams, roasted poblanos and red bell peppers, homemade bbq sauce, a jalapeño, cream/whole milk.... any ideas?

2) I am actually trying to find a spoonbread recipe that is much more liquidy/creamy. More like the consistency of oatmeal/pudding. I had some under a lovely fresh (hot) crabmeat/smoked salmon mix at a NC (outer banks) restaurant recently and it was wonderful. Any suggestions?

Cheesy Chive Spoonbread
Recipe question for: Cheesy Chive Spoonbread


Brinda A. August 1, 2019
Hi LittleMissMuffin, sorry you ran into that problem with the recipe! I wonder about the grind of your cornmeal (too fine and it will absorb liquid and seize up really, really fast) and the heat of your stove (maybe some of the milk had evaporated by the time you added in the cornmeal, making it so there wasn't quite enough liquid). The proportions of liquid/cornmeal seem pretty close to this other spoonbread recipe (, so I'm thinking that's not the issue we're having here...

As for flavor, since salt levels are so subjective, I would suggest salting the batter to taste next time, starting with a teaspoon and a half and moving upwards if needed.

Last, in terms of how to repurpose your spoonbread, I completely agree with HalfPint's suggestion—spoonbread fritters or baked spoonbread bites would be really delicious!
HalfPint July 31, 2019
Maybe you cut into squares (or any shape you like) and pan-fry in butter until the exterior is crispy, like fried polenta. Or brush on butter and bake them until crispy.
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