Wine pairing for Cantonese food - any suggestions?

I need suggestions for wine to go with Cantonese food. We're going to a birthday dinner tomorrow, and Cantonese food is on the menu - there will be a variety of meats, and the food will be spicy.



hardlikearmour March 26, 2011
Went with the 2008 Gewurztraminer from Columbia Winery - fiveandspice had me at lychee - it was great! Thanks again for all of the suggestions.
innoabrd March 25, 2011
I'd say something white, something not overly oaked, fresh, etc. A dry Riesling might work, but I might also suggest a chenin blanc or even an inexpensive white bordeaux, which are generally mostly semillion.
mrslarkin March 25, 2011
I can't wait to try these suggestions! I'm very excited about this!
hardlikearmour March 25, 2011
Thanks for all of the help!
ChefJune March 25, 2011
The go-to wine for chinese -- really most Asian spicy food is Gewurztraminer. its gor high acidity, low alcohol and a residual sweetness that may not go well with other cuisines, but it really make Chinese food go WOW!

Be very careful of the alcohol level in whatever wine you choose. If it's above 12.5, it's likely to come across sour and "off."
brandon March 25, 2011
personally Id go with a willamette valley wine. just enough fruit and body to cut through the spice and heft of cantonese cooking while maintaining a subtle compliment
fiveandspice March 25, 2011
I would third Gruner Vetliner and Reisling (go for a dry Reisling), or a Gewurtztraminer could be nice - they tend to have exotic lychee flavors that are good with spicy and Asian foods.
healthierkitchen March 25, 2011
I'm certainly no expert, either, but I generally go with Riesling. Gruner sounds like a good idea as well. Happen to really like Singha, a Thai beer, with other spicy cuisines.
mrslarkin March 25, 2011
We just had Chinese tonight! And once again had the discussion of how wine and Chinese food don't mix. At least for us, anyways. Beer and soda are our drinks of choice. But if you find a wine that works, let me know!

We really should ask Sasha. Is she still around?? She was great and I miss her videos.
nutcakes March 24, 2011
I'd be thinking Gruner Vetliner, Albarino, Vinho Verde, Viognier (though nuances might be list with spicy food) for white, in that order to my taste. Muscadet if eating seafood especially. Dry Rose. For red, something dry and lighter bodied like Cote de Beaune or a less fruity Beaujolais, though I hesitate on that one, a not too expensive Pinot Noir. Or go spicy but not to heavy bodied, if you can find a lighter Syrah. Don't confuse me with an expert.
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