Jeff and Zoe, I made this recipe by using half beer as a liquid. It didn’t rise as much as when I used all water. H e you had this same experience

Let us know if using half beer and half water resulted in poor rising of the dough.

Marjorie Simmerling
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

boulangere September 29, 2019
Beer is a wonderful substitution for some of the liquid in bread, as is hard cider. Both are acidic. Commercial yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae, thrives in an environment relatively low in acid. In order to neutralize the acid and therefore permit active yeast fermentation, you need to add baking soda in the ratio of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda for each 8 ounces of acidic ingredient, which here is beer. Your bread should rise like a pillow. Cheers!
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