I'm looking for a good make-ahead fresh green bean dish for thanksgiving. I was thinking green beans with caramelized onions and almonds.
Can I blanch the green beans ahead of time and caramelize the onions and then just heat and assemble later?
Lori T.November 8, 2019
I do something similar myself, and blanch the beans the afternoon before. In addition to the caramelized onions, I also saute little cherry tomatos in a skillet until they begin to soften and pop. Then I add in the green beans to warm along with about a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and the onions. I haven't ever added in sliced almonds, but now you mention it I may try to see how it goes. I have topped it with chopped roasted walnuts for a change up, and that did well- so almonds might as well.
Emma L.November 8, 2019
Hi! That sounds really nice to me. You can definitely blanch green beans ahead of time, then keep them in the fridge, and top them with whatever you want before serving. Here's a collection of some more green bean recipes for inspiration: https://food52.com/blog...
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