Vegan pumpkin pie recipe for thanksgiving?

Son allergic to dairy, nuts, eggs, gluten and soy

  • Posted by: Lara
  • November 10, 2019


Nancy November 11, 2019
There are also recipes out there for vegan nd GF pumpkin cheesecake and vegan pumpkin mousse, if either appeals you.
They are easier, Imho, to make successfully for allergt sufferers than a regular pumpkin pie.
Lori T. November 10, 2019
You can make your piecrust using a gluten free baking flour. If he can eat coconut products, I'd recommend using coconut milk as your milk replacement. It tends to emphasize the flavor of pumpkin- so it's a nice substitute. In the past, when I had to sub for the eggs in my recipe, I opted to cook the filling as if it were a pudding using cornstarch as the thickener. I personally don't care for gelatin in "custard" type pies because it makes it more like jello than custard. Since spices are not part of your allergen list, I assume you could use whatever of those you'd like. Basically, make a pumpkin pudding to fill the pie with. I made mine a little thicker to start with than your usual pudding consistency would be, so it would set up firmer. Then I filled the crust, and let it chill overnight. It's not quite a custard- but it is tasty. The only other suggestion, if you'd like a more fluffy filling, might lie in using the liquid drained from a can of chickpeas - known as aqua faba. It will whip like an egg white, and will help hold in air when folded in. I've not tried in in a pumpkin or custard type filling, but I have used it to make a mousse with and it worked well.
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