A question about a recipe: Volcano Rice Tabouli Salad

Third grocery store I've been to and I can't find volcano rice. Is there another name for it (I tried Google but it let me down) or a good substitute?

Volcano Rice Tabouli Salad
Recipe question for: Volcano Rice Tabouli Salad


goldenblind221 March 27, 2011
Thank you! I bought both red and whole grain rice. I hope it does the recipe justice!
Hippo F. March 27, 2011
They have it at Amazon http://amzn.to/dVI1qF
It is made by Lotus foods and it is available in the bulk bins at my local co-op. It says it is a mix of brown and red rice. Can you find the Lotus foods bags of Brown and red rice? If so use 2 cups cooked rice and then proceed. If you cannot find that I would sub any whole grain rice that is not to heavily flavored on its own. The real flavor comes from what you add to it. Although the Volcano rice does have a really nice texture. Just start with 2 cups of cooked rice and proceed with the recipe.

(Actually follow the package directions and make the rice and proceed with the recipe even if you find the volcano rice)
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