I can get along without paper towels for almost everything....except draining bacon after it's been fried...any answers?

catharine burke


Wendy January 5, 2020
Brown paper is a great idea and it is compostable (but so are paper towels here.) I have been seeing a few brown paper rolls in shops too....
I live on the west coast of Canada and we have had mandatory residential and commercial curb-side food waste and compost pick up for about 5 years now.
Does everyone else out there have it too?
Happygoin January 5, 2020
Not in my area west of Boston, Wendy. Recycling, yes...compost pick-up, no.
Gammy January 5, 2020
In St Petersburg Florida we have regular garbage pickup 2x/week, recycled pickup every other week (in a totally different garbage bin) and most recently an offer of a FREE compost unit for residential backyards (they underestimated the demand). Can't wait to get ours!
Happygoin January 5, 2020
Now that I’ve given it some thought, what a cool thing that is. I may have to start some lobbying efforts here.
greens January 7, 2020
May not want to put in compost because of meat grease.....
creamtea January 15, 2020
In our NYC co-op we have an (optional) compost bin for food waste. Paper towels are also allowed.
Happygoin January 4, 2020
Here in the northeast some grocery stores still use brown paper bags. I get one or two every once in a while to use just for draining bacon. (Normally I use recyclable bags) After I drain the bacon, as Gammy said, I toss them in the trash.
Gammy January 4, 2020
My mom used to use brown paper grocery bags. She'd cut them open and use the unprinted inside of the bag, then toss in garbage. LOL, I don't think plastic grocery bags would work nowadays....
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