Best tips for grocery shopping remotely?
Hi Food52ers! I'm working on an article about grocery shopping remotely—whether that's a big-time service like Fresh Direct, a newly formed delivery system from your local bodega, or something I haven't heard of yet. Both grocery stores and shoppers are getting more innovative as more people are social-distancing and in isolation—and I would love to hear how you're making it work wherever you are (please share your location if you feel comfortable). Hope you're well, and thanks in advance for weighing in!
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Good wishes to all of you. Be well, be safe.
for Oh Nuts:
For Grow and Behold:
That means people place an order online,then I go through the store & shop it. Our orders have more than doubled in the past 2 weeks. It's a good service. However, the misconception is that if the order is placed online that the product is automatically available... Some people are using Instacart. Whole foods is now doing an Amazon Prime service similar to Kroger's.