Why is my bread too dense, and also not crunchy

Tom Bruno


BakerBren April 27, 2020
Not enough steam in the oven could cause both of those problems, but a description of your recipe and techniques might allow further troubleshooting. What type of bread? Did you bake in a preheated dutch oven? Did you use a steam pan on the bottom rack? Did you use a spray bottle? What type of oven are you using? At what temperature and for how long did you bake? Good luck!
Nancy April 26, 2020
As HalfPint suggests, a recipe would give us more info to answer your question.
Too-dense texture can come from several sources - not kneading enough, not letting the dough rise or proof long enough, temperature of room or length of time left in fridge for first rise, maybe too little liquid, maybe other causes.
Also, even a good recipe may need some getting used to (how does it feel when you make it).
Last, not crunchy enough. Do you mean the outside crust or inside crumb or both?
HalfPint April 26, 2020
Gonna need more info. Starting with what recipe you used.
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