Can I freeze them before baking?

The bagels were delicious and quite easy. I made 6 but we are just 2. I had to freeze the 4 leftover ones. I was wondering if at some point the dough can be shaped and frozen before baking so they would always be fresh baked.

Homemade Bagels
Recipe question for: Homemade Bagels


Nancy June 8, 2020
Joyce - just another set of directions to help you on the freezing then continuing with a bagel recipe, Nancy,to%20release%20any%20air%20bubbles
Nancy June 7, 2020
Should be fine. Most breads freeze well, both as dough and baked.
Freeze them before it after second rise.
When you next want some, defrost, bring to room temp and proceed with recipe.
Joyce2020 June 7, 2020
I’m confused, sorry about that! So am I freezing after the second rise then bringing to room temp, boiling then baking?
Nancy June 7, 2020
If you freeze before the second rise, defrost in fridge, then do second rise at room temp and onward with the recipe.
If you freeze after the second rise, defrost in fridge, then take to room temp and proceed with recipe.
Joyce2020 June 7, 2020
Thank you
I will try it and let you know how they turn out.
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