Is sour taste detectable from sour cream?

A family member doesn't like sour cream or yogurt. Is the taste of sour cream detectable in the pound cake?

Sour Cream Pound Cake
Recipe question for: Sour Cream Pound Cake


Lori T. June 17, 2020
As a rule, sour cream in a pound cake doesn't really leave a pronounced taste- any more than buttermilk or vinegar would. The purpose in the poundcake is to provide the acid to activate the baking soda, help with browning, add fat and richness, and help add/retain moisture without making the batter thin. A substitute like cottage cheese would not be able to do that- and I'm not sure about the cream cheese/milk mixture. People who do not like straight sour cream or yogurt frequently do not object to it's use as an ingredient in baked goods though. Usually whatever taste is there is well covered by the sugar and flavorings, frostings, or other additions. But if you think it would be a problem, I'd suggest making a pound cake that does not include either.
CoffeeAndBaconYum June 17, 2020
Hi Lori, thank you for explaining the food chemistry behind the sour cream! I might just try the recipe as is and see how it goes.
Lori T. June 17, 2020
You are very welcome. I don't have any problem with substitutions, but it is helpful to understand what a particular ingredient is doing in the recipe in order to choose one which will actually work best for you. You sure don't want to leave baking soda alone, or your baked goods will have a soapy taste. You can cover up slight tang, but you can't do much with soap.
Aaron H. June 17, 2020
You mostly taste sugar and any flavorings you might add to it.
CoffeeAndBaconYum June 17, 2020
Nancy June 16, 2020
Probably yes.
Are you, by any chance, thinking of a stealth operation to include the disliked item?
If yes, better than that, make the cake without sour cream or yogurt. I've not done it, but I've got a reliable food substitutions bible that suggests many replacements.
Too many to give details for all combinations of butter, cottage cheese, cream cheese, various milks, but if you want one or two, please say and I'll include.
CoffeeAndBaconYum June 16, 2020
Since a full cup of sour cream is used, I just wanted to know how prominent the flavor might be in the finished product. Yes, I'd appreciate it if you could suggest a few substitutes for the sour cream. Thanks for your help!
Nancy June 16, 2020
Here are a couple substitutions for 1 cup sour cream. They give nice creaminess and taste, and are easily available:
1 cup cottage cheese (I would buzz it smooth in processor or blender)
6 oz cream cheese plus 3 tbsp whole milk (also buzzed smooth).
I don't know how to quantify how much the sour cream taste comes through, sorry. Maybe someone else will know and add that info.
Nancy June 17, 2020
Second thoughts, after reading Lori T's comment.
Maybe the sour cream doesn't give much taste to the end result of the cake.
But if you have someone who strongly dislikes an ingredient (whether through taste or digestion) and you can avoid using it without making your dinner into a cafeteria, I would recommend omitting that ingredient for that dinner.
As for needing acid to activate baking soda. If you use one of the non-acidic dairy substitutes, you could help activate the b. soda by adding a teaspoon or so of lemon juice or good quality vinegar to the wets.
CoffeeandBaconYum - you know your family best and what's the best course of action. Over to you.
CoffeeAndBaconYum June 17, 2020
Thank you for your thoughtful help, Nancy!
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