substitute bread flour for all purpose flour?

What changes would need to be made to the recipe if I substituted bread flour for the all purpose flour?

Gina R
  • Posted by: Gina R
  • July 19, 2020
No-Knead Sourdough Bread
Recipe question for: No-Knead Sourdough Bread


HalfPint July 20, 2020
If you use bread flour, you might need more water. Since bread flour has a higher gluten content, it will need more liquid.
Mr. G. July 19, 2020
You can substitute bread flour for all purpose 1:1 in a pinch. You’ll probably get more rise and the bread will be chewier, but it’ll be edible and delicious. I usually substitute 25% (120g) whole wheat bread flour and it comes out great.
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