I made from scratch Mac and cheese and tripled the recipe and it came out so thick, can I thin it out?



SillyBee August 8, 2020
The cooked pasta can further absorb more liquid in the cheese sauce making the sauce too thick, especially if the dish is sitting for a bit before it's served. If the sauce get too thick while it's still in the pot, like Happygoin mentioned, you can gradually add some milk or cream. If it's happens later, that method doesn't work as well because the sauce won't incorporate the milk. A lot of mac n cheese recipes call for the pasta to be overcooked so it doesn't dry out the sauce. Give that a shot and see if it helps. Good luck!
Happygoin August 6, 2020
If you mean the cheese sauce, then yes you can. Thin it with some milk.

If you mean the actual finished Mac and cheese, I don’t think I would. What you may consider is serving it with stewed tomatoes. This is what my mother used to do when hers came out a little too dry.
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