Incorrect measurements? It needs more flour to stick together & be able to roll out. Please advise.

Has anyone made these crackers? I found that there was no way it would work as it is written. The batter was too wet! I doubled the amount of flour to be able to roll it out. Itโ€™s in the oven now so I donโ€™t know about the taste yet but sure hope it works! Was so excited to find this recipe but....

TX Mimi to 6


Lori T. October 20, 2020
When you work with any sort of dough like this, the amount of flour you end up needing can vary. It can change due to the hydration level of your starter, as well as how much moisture was in your flour, and even the amount of humidity in your kitchen. Sometimes it's a bit more accurate if you use weight measures- but any time you play with water and flour, there will be variance. So long as you work in just enough to make it workable, things will usually work out fine. At any rate, I bet Parmesan and garlic did taste- and smell, wonderful.
TX M. October 19, 2020
Okay, that worked well. Yay! So...make it 1 cup flour and the remaining ingredient amounts are correct. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ I also used Parmesan & garlic salt on some. Yummm
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