Need help for a too-dry cake

I have a orange-spice cake recipe (from Cooking Light) that I've made a couple of times. The cake has wonderful flavor but is dry. The fat is canola oil (2/3 cup) and 3 eggs. Liquid is fresh orange juice. How can I make this cake more moist. Here's a link to the recipe should you be interested. Thanks.

  • Posted by: DebJ
  • April 10, 2011


lillaweinberger April 11, 2011
Sam1148 April 10, 2011
"How can I make this cake more moist."

Try mixing the orange juice with a 1/2 tsp or so of unflavored gelatin.
It will hold in moisture when mixed with the dry stuff and cooked.

Some old school recipes use a "Jello" type pudding powder for the recipes to make a very moist cake. The gelatin in the OJ could replicate that tech.

DebJ April 10, 2011
Thanks, everyone, for the great suggestions. I
Sadassa_Ulna April 10, 2011
Or drizzle it with rum or liqueur ...
Slow C. April 10, 2011
I would try experimenting with applesauce (or other fruit purees), you can substitute for either a portion of the oil or a portion of the liquid (orange juice in this case), you can even try just adding a bit extra with the liquids. Good luck!
nutcakes April 10, 2011
Aside from not overbaking, you can up the oil a bit, or add 1/3rd cup of yogurt or sour cream.While it cools, cover with a towel, that can help with cakes that tend toward dryness.
JenniferJuniper April 10, 2011
An easy cheat for dry cake is to drizzle it with a flavored simple syrup. You'll add calories and sugar, but not fat.
boulangere April 10, 2011
My first guess, DebJ, is that you may be baking it too long. Baking times aren't cast in stone. Set the timer for 5-7 minutes shy of the recipe time, and check your cake. You can always bake it longer, but you can't unbake an overbaked cake. Leave the toothpicks in the box. Tap your finger gently on the top of your cake. If it feels springy, but your finger doesn't leave an indentation, your cake is done. Don't look for it to pull away from the sides of the cake pan. It it does, it is overbaked. And if you still want it to have more of a moistness, add another egg. Have heart! It looks wonderful!
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