Passover Seder: Any "interesting" dishes at your seder table?

I'm looking to mix things up this year at our seder table. Do you have any out of the ordinary recipes you've successfully made in the past?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


zest I. April 13, 2011
I've made this brisket the past two years....there's never any left when the meal is over. It's rich and bursting with flavor....the spices and dried fruit really do some magically harmonious stuff with the beed. On the one hand, it takes three days to make (taking the time to let the flavors develop is REALLY worth it) but on the other hand, your guests will be impressed. This is definitely leagues above nana's old school ketchup covered brisket.
Nancy April 4, 2022
Zest L -
Looked for this years later (2022) but link and recipe are gone from epicurious.
Do you have it elsewhere?
fozziebayer April 12, 2011
I've been testing out a beet salad recipe that I think of as Borscht Salad--it's got raw shredded beets, cream, shaved onions, dill, salt, pepper, and chopped boiled egg. Colorful, and with those great borscht flavors.
healthierkitchen April 12, 2011
Depends on what you think is "interesting!" I usually make this dish, often with more flanken (top rib) and less chicken - very old school:
student E. April 12, 2011
I love this recipe for salmon gefilte fish. It's so delicious and SUCH a nice change from the murky mysterious jarred gefilte fish that you usually get on Passover and no one actually eats.
drbabs April 12, 2011
I just read this great article on the Times Dining blog about a restaurant that has Passover music playing, and you can buy the playlist from itunes. it's not food, but it is interesting! Here's a link to the article:

Here's the dessert I made last year. It's totally decadent, and not Passover-y (meaning no matzo meal) at all.
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