Could dried herbs be used in a pinch?

If I only have dried oregano and thyme would it still turn out just as good?

  • Posted by: bellly
  • January 17, 2021


AntoniaJames August 28, 2021
I've made this many times, always in the late fall and winter (and spring, when it's still cold here), and I have never used fresh oregano, and only used fresh thyme once or twice. Dried herbs do quite well in this dish! Adjust as the other commenter has suggested.

I take a page out of Diana Kennedy's book, using a technique I learned from one of her recipes. I drop the dried herbs into a mortar and pestle with a tiny pinch of salt, and crush them well before adding them. You'd be surprised how much fragrance remains in dried herbs - which is released when the herbs are crushed. If you don't have a mortar and pestle, simply crush them well with your fingers or in the palm of your hand. ;o)
Lori T. January 17, 2021
Yes, it most certainly will turn out as good. It's deep winter where I live, and the majority of the herbs I use are dried. So when I make just about anything, that's what is going in. You will use about half as much in the dried form as the fresh, but feel free to adjust to suit yourself. Oregano and thyme do very well dried- basil, chives, and cilantro do not. Of course, that also presumes your dried herbs are fairly "fresh" dried, and not ancient herbal dust from years gone by.
bellly January 19, 2021
Oooh I see, so interesting, okay thank you so much
hardlikearmour January 17, 2021
I'm sure it would be delicious with dried herbs.
bellly January 19, 2021
Okay thank you
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