how long can I use eggs after best used by?????????????????????????????

Jackie Watkins


Lori T. February 3, 2021
You can expect the eggs to last another month to six weeks. That date is the last date when the produce expects the eggs will meet the requirements for a grade A rating. So as time passes, you will notice a little more wateriness in the white portion, and the yolk won't stand as tall. Your eggs won't be beautiful for frying, and will leave a lot of tails if you poached them. For other eating purposes, like scrambled or hard boiled, or for baking- they will work just fine. You won't notice anything, more than likely. If you want to have some idea how the eggs are fairing as they age, float them in a glass of water. A very fresh egg will lie flat. As it ages, the fat end of the egg- where the air sac is - will enlarge and make the egg begin to lift up that end. The more angled the float, the older the egg. One that floats free is not worth the risk of eating. You might could, but why bother? It's not worth the stink of a bad egg to crack it to find out.
Nancy February 3, 2021
Lori, with all due respect, what is your source on this? Mine (USDA, FDA and CDC) say 4-5 weeks TOTAL and 3 weeks after expiration or sell-by date.
Probably if one is not using them up within one of those windows, better to buy fewer eggs or at more frequent intervals than to risk waste of food.
Lori T. February 4, 2021
The entire subject of those dated is cause for fuss and disagreement. If you want, check out

Then there is the entire problem of repacking eggs, which is legal up until that magic date- depending on the state and the date chosen by the packager. Your eggs can sometimes be repacked by the grocer or distributer, and in some places don't have to have dates to start with. I did food inspection for many years, and those dates were a cause of lots of trouble and confusion. They are NOT expiration dates, though that's how loads of folks think of them. They are "guides" for the stores, so they know when to replace or rotate stock. That's why you have a date on something like soy sauce or vinegar. Fresh foods are still safe to consume after the dates, though common sense needs to apply. The manufacturer just isn't willing or able to promise prime quality after that date. Even that date may not guarantee a good egg. If they were left out to warm on the loading dock, or the time in transport to your home was a bit longer than inspected, or an egg gets a hairline crack in transfer, it could still spoil before the date on the carton. So if there is question, without cracking the shell, the float test is the most accurate way to gauge freshness, and potential for being spoiled. As a rule, that's roughly 4-6 weeks after the date on the carton. But I agree, it's best to buy fewer eggs and use them than to worry about dealing with a bad one.
Nancy February 4, 2021
Lori - ok, thanks for more back-of-the-store info.
Nancy February 2, 2021
3 weeks if the eggs have been abd continue to be kept in refrigerator
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