A question about a recipe: Banana Bread

I have a question about step 2 on the recipe "Banana Bread" from merrill. It says:

"Peel the bananas and in a large mixing bowl, mash them well with a fork. Stir in the sugar and then the egg, mixing thoroughly. Stir in the butter." My mother's classic recipe, which I have in her gorgeous handwriting (what happened to us w/ that?) uses brown sugar. I've always made it that way, and I've loved it. Have you ever made it with brown sugar? I know she used three bananas and the ingredients were very simple, as yours are. Just wondering... Alene W.

  • Posted by: ctgal
  • April 15, 2011
Banana Bread
Recipe question for: Banana Bread


aargersi April 15, 2011
I often use brown sugar in mine too! Or a combination. Another good one to sprinkle on top is turbinado - who doesn't like a crunchy sugar crystal right?
I have also added cut up strawberries which is delish ....
Merrill S. April 15, 2011
I haven't made it with brown sugar, but I've thought about it -- I'm sure it would be great! As vvanessa and ctgal note, it will probably affect the moisture, but I cut down on the original amount of white sugar, so I think you'd be okay with a direct substitution.
ctgal April 15, 2011
Thanks VVVanessa! That's great advice. You are likely right about brown sugar having more moisture. I'll have to pull out my mom's and double check. Sprinkling on top doesn't sound to bad either!!
vvvanessa April 15, 2011
i love banana bread with brown sugar! i sometimes sprinkle some on top before the loaf goes in the oven. for merrill's recipe, though, if you want to make the substitution, i might cut back slightly on the amount called for because there is good amount more moisture in brown sugar than in regular granulated sugar. you might also expect it to take a few extra minutes to bake, but maybe not.
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