Could I substitute creme fraiche for ricotta in this recipe?

I want to serve to friends for lunch tomorrow. I have no ricotta, but I do have creme fraiche. How do you think it would be as a substitute for the ricotta? Thank you!

Pasta With Creamy Zucchini Pesto
Recipe question for: Pasta With Creamy Zucchini Pesto


EmilyC July 11, 2021
Yes, I think the creme fraiche will work here! I'd start with a smaller amount (about 2 tablespoons) and then add more to get the creaminess and consistency you want. Hope you enjoy the dish!
dickensthedog July 11, 2021
Thank you so much! I will follow your advice to start with 2 tbl.
I just finished sautéing the zucchini. I was able to skip the step of squeezing the water out because I cooked it on high with clarified butter in our non-stick electric frying pan, and it caramelized just fine.
drbabs July 10, 2021
Yes, I think so. The head note even says you can leave the ricotta out.
dickensthedog July 11, 2021
You are right, but I think that I would miss the creaminess that it provides.
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