Cake decorating help please! I’m making sugar ice cubes
I’m making a ‘beer Barrel’ cake with ‘ice cubes’ on top with tiny liquor bottles.
I made the ice cubes and they turned out good but after sitting a few hours they lost their shape. The ice cubes ares made by cooking sugar and corn syrup to 250F degrees.
I don’t know how to get them to keep their shape. Any ideas?
Dr Babs covered the actual answer 🙃
(See this chart. You probably need to go up about 10-15 degrees to get them to hold their shape. (Make sure your thermometer is accurate, too.) Also, once they’re made, you probably want to avoid exposing them to moisture, so if it’s very humid, they may soften a bit. I’ve kept candy in the refrigerator for that reason.
Good luck! Please post your results and the final cake!
I have a thermopen that’s as accurate as I can get. I make toffee all the time and take the temp to 300. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that instead of just following the instructions. Duh, I need to stop and remember what I know from experience.