Bread dough oops question.... left out the butter and salt, but added it late...

I mixed up a frequently used french bread recipe. kneaded the dough and put it in to rise as usual. After doing so I discovered I had left out the butter and salt. It was sitting on the counter where I measured it, but never actually dumped it in the I took the dough, which had been rising about 10 minutes, out and put the butter and salt in, and re-kneaded it and put it back in to this going to work?



BeverlyC January 13, 2022
Just so you know....I baked the bread, and it was amazing... very good.
AntoniaJames January 11, 2022
For people who are facing this in the future, may I simply add that it is imperative that you lightly sprinkle the salt all over the dough before you start kneading, to make sure it is well dispersed. I'd stretch the dough out into a rectangle, drizzle the melted butter (or scatter tiny chunks of it) over the surface, and then lightly sprinkle the salt over it all. Then knead thoroughly for at least a few minutes to incorporate. (This has happened to me with yeast, more than once! Fortunately I use instant yeast, so dissolving the yeast is not a concern.) ;o)
Nancy January 11, 2022
I think it will work....just give the whole thing more time, first to assimilate the added ingredients and then to do the regular rising.
I've made similar errors of omission and added the ingredients after the dough started to rise. And the breads worked.
BeverlyC January 11, 2022
Good to actually seems to be rising faster than usual.
Nancy January 11, 2022
So judge your dough by volume and texture, not by the clock, and proceed with your recipe.
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