Convection (fan) oven or conventional oven?

300⁰F is that a convection oven or a regular gas oven?
My oven is regular. So how much should I set it to? And do I need to lower the temperature after I put the Macarons in?

  • Posted by: Mo
  • February 15, 2022
Peachy Macarons
Recipe question for: Peachy Macarons


drbabs February 15, 2022
I agree with aargersi that the author probably uses a regular oven, particularly since she describes hers as "finicky." I think as long as you watch the bake and "Bake the macarons until they have risen, forming a foot on the bottom, and the surface of the cookies is shiny, dry, and set...," you'll be fine.
aargersi February 15, 2022
I think standard. It doesn’t mention convection in the recipe - macarón are a bit tricky so I’m guessing if it was convection the author would call it out …
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