Prepared the recipe as written. I used Alessi brand Biscotti Savoiardi Lady Fingers. I noticed that if I left the lady finger dipp

  • Posted by: Vicki
  • March 2, 2022
Easy Tiramisu
Recipe question for: Easy Tiramisu


Vicki March 3, 2022
Thanks Antonia. I actually only dipped each lady finger into the coffee mixture and removed more than 1 second each. And there was coffee mixture left over. I think Nancy's suggestion might be more of a solution for me. It may be best to pour very small amounts of the mixture over the lady fingers. But I so agree with you - there's way too much liquid being absorbed by the Alessi brand. I'm going to try to concentrate the coffee more and use much less of it. Thanks again!
AntoniaJames March 3, 2022
This Easy Tiramisu recipe provides a great example of why mass (grams or ounce) measures are so much better than simply calling for a certain number of lady fingers. I've made tiramisu (not this recipe) several times over the past few years, using different brands of lady fingers. Not all of them are the same size. Looking at the Alessi package information and comparing that to the recipe I've made with great success, it seems that the ratio of liquid to lady fingers is off by quite a bit. For that brand of lady fingers, I would use about 3/4 the liquid called for.

My tried-and-true recipe has you quickly drop a bunch of lady fingers into the bowl with the liquid and toss the lot of them for only 2-3 seconds before removing. That works quite well.

In case you're interested, the recipe I use calls for just over 3 1/4 cups of liquid (coffee + rum, the latter I highly recommend) for 14 ounces of lady fingers, twice what you used with 2 cups of liquid. ;o)
Vicki March 2, 2022
Thanks Nancy. I'll give that a try next time.
Vicki March 2, 2022
This is still Vicki....sorry my whole question didn't get posted. I dipped each lady finger using a fish spatula for no more than one second in the coffee. Assembled the tiramisu and refrigerated overnight to serve the next evening. It was a soggy mess. Had at least a 1/2 cup of coffee in the bottom of the dish. What did I do wrong?
Nancy March 2, 2022
Probably you did nothing wrong.
I find a better technique is to line the presentation pan with whatever cake or cookie you are using then sprinkle it with the brewed and cooler coffee (to taste). Then proceed.
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