No-knead bread

I'm making Jim Lahey's No-Knead bread but realized my timing is off: By the time the dough has sat for the requisite 12-18 hours, it'll be too late to shape it, let it rise and bake it off tonight. Has anyone tried shaping this dough, then refrigerating it overnight and letting it rise in the morning before baking? If so, any tips?

Merrill Stubbs


Aimless April 25, 2011
Cooks illustrated advises doing the final 2-hour rise in a round pan that matches the size of the dutch oven in which you'll bake the bread. You line that round pan with a sheet of parchment paper and then just lift the loaf out of the rising pan by means of the parchment paper. much easier and loaf looks neater/better. Don't make the sheet too big though or it may interfere with browning the top of the loaf.

I've also had good results with cutting an x just prior to baking. helps it to rise better and it looks nice. Spritz of non-stick spray on the knife with which you do this helps.
Merrill S. April 23, 2011
Thanks to you both!
boulangere April 23, 2011
I agree with Sam. What kind of yeast are you using? Instant or active dry? If instant, the longer your dough sits at room temp, the sooner it will relax, especially given the low protein content of AP flour. I definitely vote for shaping and refrigeration sooner rather than later.
Sam1148 April 23, 2011
oh..another tip. After shaping the dough the original recipe calls for putting seam side up.
I don't do that, but use a razor blade or sharp knife to cut an "X" in the top. That seems to make a more presentable loaf with more consistency in the look of the bread.
Sam1148 April 23, 2011
I think it should be it should be fine, shaping and cooling then back to temp.
However, in making No-Kneed bread..I've found the longer you set at room temp the more 'soupy' the dough becomes. Cooling and shaping should stop that.

I've failed many time trying to make this until I started weighing, not measuring the flour.
Especially since in the south AP flour is you have to adjust that. Google will have conversions for different flour types. Gold medal for example is 130g a cup. While normal AP is 125g, and in a this recipe it does matter.

I use a Emile Henry "Tangine" to cook this in..and now I started weighing the flour. I can make it pretty consistently.

Here's the recipe that uses weights for the measurements along with some science bits.

It also calls for fresh yeast..but I just use the original dry measurement of powdered yeast.
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