are silicon pie shields helpful?

i have 9" tart pans and 2 that are 11". using foil was always problematic so i bought a metal pie shield for the 9" pans. it leaves a gap under it so heat is able to get to the rim. it probably helps somewhat, but i'm not happy w it.

i also have some tartlet pans so i bought silicon shields for them. haven't used them yet. but today on amazon, i see there are adjustable silicon shields and the 1 video i watched showed it to b effective. i'd b happy to hear ur experiences w them and which one to buy or not to buy. Tx

  • Posted by: alan
  • April 23, 2022
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

aargersi April 23, 2022
I have a full sized on that I really like … it’s easy on and easy off, and definitely saves you from a charred crust on longer baking pies.
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