how to clean wooden and nylon cutting boards

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Lori T. June 6, 2022
Everyone has their opinions about the matter, but I can tell you how I prefer to do it. First, I NEVER cut raw meat on a wooden cutting board. I only cut that sort of thing on a nylon board. The wooden board gets a scrub down with a dab of dish soap and a scrub brush, in warm water, with a hot water rinse. Then I dry it with a clean towel, and rub it down with food grade mineral oil to help preserve its life. The nylon boards get a scrub down, and then washed in the dishwasher. If I need to remove a stain, I do that with diluted bleach to the spot I want to remove. If the board gets so many deep cuts that it becomes difficult to clean and remove bits, then it's time to discard the nylon board. The wooden board I hand off to be sanded down smooth- which helps extend the life. I know some folks wipe down nylon and wooden boards with vinegar or bleach, and I imagine you can do so after washing them. A wooden board still needs to be oiled to prevent warping, cracking and splinters though. You can also scrub down a wooden board with a little bit of water and coarse salt as well, if you wish to avoid the soap and water route, or you need to smooth out a rough spot.
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