Black Mold spot on my wooden cutting board. HELP

I purchased a wooden cutting board from Art on the Green in Couer d'Alene. I never soak it. I clean it as soon as I am through using it.I have had it about 3 years. It's made of different woods in a beautiful pattern.
I tried to put Lemon juice on it, vinegar, and bleach but nothing is touching it. does anybody out there have any helpful hints? Is this dangerous?

Fran McGinty


Samantha R. October 22, 2020
Yolo1357 January 4, 2020
I've read this far that oxalic acid can be used on cutting boards to remove stains, problem is the stains I am removing are caused by backing soda for a fractal burn solution and backing soda is what is recommended for removing acid.
Elizabeth August 8, 2016
I have the same problem. My cutting board is bamboo based (Brand name- Totally Bamboo) . I didn't know that it shouldn't be washed with water😒. What should I do?
Peter April 1, 2011
When it comes to oiling wood in the kitchen I've always used the rule I picked up somewhere:

Every day for a week, every week for a month, and every month for a year.

After the year is up... I don't know! I guess once a month. :-)
innoabrd April 1, 2011
depends on the oil and how 'thirsty' your board is. What kind of oil? you don't want to do too many applications, you could end up with a kind of sticky mess. I'd start with two, maybe three if the second goes really quickly again, and then try another coat in a few weeks if you think it needs it. Keep an eye on it and when you feel it starting to dry out again, do another coat. A lot will depend on how you use it and your climate. Be sure to oil both sides and the edges. Any exposed end grain might need a bit more oil as well. a piece of wood is a bit like a bundle of straws. The wood is designed to take water and nutrients from the soil up to the leaves, so anything applied to the end grain goes deep into the wood quite quickly.
Fran M. March 31, 2011
My wooden board looks Beautiful. Thank you very much. The board soaked up the oil very quickly. How many times should I oil it before I start using it again?
innoabrd March 30, 2011
Let me know how you come with it. Handy to use a sanding block and work in a circular motion, not just back and forth...
Fran M. March 29, 2011
Thank you Innoabrd. I will do as you say. Hopefully this will not happen again.
innoabrd March 28, 2011
For refinishing the surface, a cabinet scraper is actually a better alternative than sandpaper, but requires some skill and practice.

If you do sand the board, after you think you've got it really, really smooth (and Sam has it backwards, the higher the number, the finer the sandpaper, so you might start with 100 and move to 180. Finer than that is probably not necessary) you need to 'raise the grain' before oiling it. Take your nice smooth board and dip it in water and let it dry. All of a sudden, it'll be really fuzzy again. Sand it again and raise the grain and re-sand maybe once more before you oil it.

Also, this may be basic, but if you're using a wooden board, always treat both sides the same: when you oil it, oil both sides; when you wash it, get both sides wet and dry it with both sides exposed. Do NOT wet one side and leave it flat on teh counter to dry. I promise you that you will warp teh board.
Fran M. March 27, 2011
Thank you every one. I do cut potatoes on it Sam1148 I thought for sure that would be safe. I didn't know that would cause black spots. I keep all meat and proteins off of it.
Sam1148 March 27, 2011
Do you cut potatoes on it? Those can cause black spots on wood.
boulangere March 27, 2011
Yes, the mold needs to go. Make a solution of 1/2 teaspoon bleach to 2 cups cool water. Wash the board with soapy water, rinse, then treat with sanitizing solution.
SKK March 27, 2011
This happened to a neighbor and she used a sander and the spots came off. Then she wiped the board with mineral oil.
Fran M. March 27, 2011
Thank you. I did not want to throw it out It's a beautiful piece of art.

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Sam1148 March 27, 2011
I wouldn't worry too much. But you can sand it with 200 (or so) sandpaper, and then a finer 100 or so one, and re-oil the board with walnut oil.

I think I remember a 'wood bleach' product for cutting boards. oxalic acid
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