Salted Capers - Salt Crystals Don't Dissolve

Hi, I'd like to reproduce this product using other pickled capers in brine (the brand in the link below is very expensive here!)
Was wondering how to achieve this as whenever I try to combine the capers and salt, the salt crystals dissolves (which is the best feature of this product). Thanx! 9322526019320



702551 June 21, 2022
I don't think this is going to work, attempting to dry salt cure a previously brined product. It's soaked in liquid.

The traditional way of making the pictured product is to pick the capers fresh, sprinkle salt over them and periodically dump out any resultant liquid and add more salt until the capers stop giving off liquid (about a week).

Here's someone's instructions:

Because the salt is sprinkled on fresh capers, you're only removing the water that's naturally present in the capers. This isn't unique to capers.

The same basic process is used to salt-cure olives:

Note that this technique is probably thousands of years old. You don't brine the capers with vinegar then try to salt them. You just salt them from the start.

That's how the capers in this jar were made.
Scottolotto June 21, 2022
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I've had the jar in the image for about 3 months and the salt crystals are still there - that's what I'm having trouble getting my head around lol!
Nancy June 21, 2022
Scottolotto -
Yes, the jar of salted capers in your link is VERY expensive. 2x to 4x (per 100ml or 100g) the cost of similar salted capers, on sale here in Canada.

Sourcing alternatives for you:
1) Make them yourself by buying or growing raw capers, then packing in good kosher salt or sea salt to preserve them. But I think availability may be limited, and gardening obviously dependent on climate, how much time you want to give to it, etc.
2) I remember learning that there are a fair number of Italian immigrants and their descendants in Australia. Maybe search for a more affordable jar of salted capers at an Italian specialty shop (bricks and mortar or online or both).
3) Another possible source is Italian restauranteurs and their supply houses.
* They may be willing to sell to a civilian, as it were.
* The package size may be larger than you anticipated, but you may be able to use them up over their long 2-year shelf life in the fridge.
* Or split a package with one or two other households to make it worthwhile.
Scottolotto June 21, 2022
Thank you Nancy, option 3 I think is the way to go. So it's kosher salt then that doesn't break down?
Nancy June 21, 2022
Not really.
To make it clearer - the two most common ways of preserving capers are wet brine (salted liquid or vinegar) and dry salting.
I recommended kosher salt and/or sea salt for the dry preserving method because they are both without chemical additives, are tasty and usually available in coarse flakes or large grind (so have more surface area).
However, if you add either of these to a liquid, it will dissolve.
Hope this helps.
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