Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

want to make for thanksgiving.seems like a good travel dish that can be reheated.

Lorraine Garrison
  • 1 Comment
Porcini Mushroom Risotto
Recipe question for: Porcini Mushroom Risotto

1 Comment

Lori T. November 19, 2022
Risotto isn't one of those dishes that you can really make ahead of time in the way of this recipe- it doesn't wait well. The rice will absorb all the liquid as it sits, and you will end up with a more sliceable pudding than a risotto. BUT you can make it ahead of time and travel with it, if you make a few changes. First of all, don't cook it all the way to doneness. Stop cooking when it is still a bit crunchy- about half cooked. Spread it out in a serving dish, and let it cool. Cover and chill. (I've done this from morning until dinner time serving- can't say for longer periods, but overnight "might" work) When you get ready to serve, put it back in the pan and add in a cup of the hot broth you haven't used from the earlier prep. Keep adding in and cooking until it is done and the consistency you wish. Then serve it up. Check out the folks at Serious Eats, who have better directions for doing this. It's an old restaurant trick, so folks don't wait 20-30 minutes for risotto.
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