How can I make this a 3 tier 12 inch cake?

Do you have any rule of thumb when it comes to doubling or tripling this recipe? I’m looking to make a tiered 3 layer 12 inch cake out of this recipe and not really sure if I can just double all the ingredients to do so or if that would throw the cake recipe off

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Lemon Chiffon Layer Cake
Recipe question for: Lemon Chiffon Layer Cake

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Nancy May 7, 2023
Several ways:

1) look up a chart showing volumes of baking pans (many available, e.g. from King Arthur baking or flour site). Then do a bit of arithmetic - divide total volume of pans for desired cake (in this case 3 x 12 in) by total volume of pans in original recipe. Use the result as a factor to multiply the volumes in the original recipe. [Note: depending on the volumes, you may be able to bake new version in one go, or need to bake in two or three batches.]
2) search for explanatory video on how to convert an original cake recipe to the pan size you have or want to use (there are many out there)
3) search here at food52 for an Alice Medrich handy article about how to make any cake in the pan(s) you have or want to use.

By the way, once you use these conversion methods, they are a great help for many recipes - sweet or savory.

Good luck and hope all goes well :)
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