Travelling to Italy soon and would like to buy some quality olive oil. Can someone please recommend a good brand/type to buy?



Maedl June 27, 2014
I agree with Bigpan and Greenstuff. Don't go for the brands. You can get them here. Look for the locally-made oils. If you are there during the olive harvest, try to get fresh oil. Nothing compares to that. You might want to pack some bubble wrap in your suitcase to ensure that you get your bottle home in one piece.
Greenstuff June 26, 2014
bigpan has it right. You don't want to buy a "brand," instead you want something local. Depending on where you are and what else you're doing, you may or may not be able to taste. But at least have an idea of where the olives were grown.
bigpan June 26, 2014
I should have also mentioned that if you are at the right place you can taste the oil from a spoon or shot glass - not a piece of bread where you will mostly taste the bread ! Take a sip, swallow (you will cough when it hits the back of your throat, that's ok), then sip again and roll around in your mouth. Then a piece of simple bread (not a sourdough or fennel or such; then try a different oil.
bigpan June 26, 2014
Oils will be different depending on where the grove is...close to sea air, side of mountain, soil type, region, north, south, etc. Taste the oils and buy what you like. Expensive does not mean best. Better oils will always be in colored glass (not bulk tin cans). Also check the label - it should have the date of pressing (not an expiry date). Don't buy last years, it is already weak. Only buy enough to last you maximum one year. And again, taste them and buy the one that you like the taste of.
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