Spring onion best substitute?

I have leeks, scallions, and regular onion, but no spring onion this time of year where I live. Thoughts on best substitute?

Kellia Brinson


Lori T. October 7, 2023
I normally use scallions and spring onions interchangeably depending on what it in season. Yeah, a spring onion is supposed to be slightly milder and sweeter- but to be honest I've not noted such a big difference. Give yours a little taste and see how strong they are. If they are old and stout, perhaps use fewer of them.
Kellia B. October 8, 2023
Right, I mean - I know the flavor is pretty comparable. Mostly I’m considering that spring onions have quite a bit more bulb than scallions. I’m considering a leek/scallion combo to make up for lack of actual mass.
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