Like to share this picture FISH FROM ARABIAN SEA If you are fed up with my repeat posting photos please tell me I will not repeat
its take me two days to take these photos
boulangereMay 10, 2011
And well deserved, pauljoseph. Please keep us posted on this development. You have much to offer in terms of knowledge and experience and tastes. We very much look forward to what more of your world will be shared.
pauljosephMay 10, 2011
betteirene Please save the URL I will add more interesting picture soon, we got an offer from another celebrity like Anthony Bourdain, experience the spice of south India( there are unknown spices also)Spice Combination etc I'll let you know hopefully soon
betteireneMay 9, 2011
I think the Kerala episode of Anthony Bourdain's Bourdain's "No Reservations" would have been more informative And more fun had you been his tour guide.
pauljosephMay 9, 2011
latoscana I'm happy to answer it. Please ask your question
latoscanaMay 8, 2011
These photos transport me to a world I want to know more about - thank you for doing this!
GreenstuffMay 5, 2011
After a moment's hesitation, I didn't bookmark the album after all. I bookmarked the whole gallery!
PanfusineMay 5, 2011
Fed up?? On the contrary, I think a lot of us have a bottomless appetite for your pickle posts pauljoseph, we really look fwd to them!
nutcakesMay 5, 2011
I enjoy your photo's. They are usually something very interesting as well as beautiful.
MidgeMay 5, 2011
Love these photos, pauljoseph. I feel like I went to the fish market with you!
SKKMay 5, 2011
Pauljoseph, your photos are a highlight of Food52. Thank you for sharing them. Please keep posting them!
beyondceleryMay 5, 2011
These are great! I'd lead the uprising, Pauljoseph, if you stopped posting photos.
boulangereMay 5, 2011
I just scrolled through them rapidly, and look forward to looking through them slowly this evening. Pauljoseph, if you ever stop posting photos, I suspect there will be a food52 uprising.
GreenstuffMay 5, 2011
Wow! I love them! Love them! I am bookmarking this album.
wssmomMay 5, 2011
I think they are amazing, pauljosph! Thanks for sharing it!
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