I don't see the crystalized ginger in the photos, does it sink into the batter?

  • Posted by: mbobden
  • October 18, 2023
  • 1 Comment
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Recipe question for: Pumpkin Cheesecake

1 Comment

Emmie October 19, 2023
The 12 pieces of candied ginger get put on as decoration when serving:
"Cut around the sides of the cake and remove pan sides. Decorate top of cheesecake with crystallized ginger. Serve."
It looks like they elected to omit it for the photos.
If you want to incorporate it into the cheesecake itself, I'd be worried that scattering it on top before baking might impede the rise or make the top look a little strange.
However, mixing some into the batter would likely be delicious!
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