How much marzipan is in this recipe -- please confirm

500 grams equals nearly 18 ounces. That's huge amount of marzipan. High quality marzipan (50% almond) on Amazon is $9 for 4 oz. -- so one pound would cost $40. Can this be correct?

  • Posted by: charlie
  • November 17, 2023
Marzipan Bars From Koloman
Recipe question for: Marzipan Bars From Koloman


Lori T. November 17, 2023
Since the marzipan is really the major player in the candy bars- yes, the amount is correct. And yes, good quality marzipan or almond paste is expensive with a capital E. But if you have the energy, time and either a stand mixer or food processor, you can make your own in about five minutes. Then it's fresh, and much less expensive. I do this every year for the holiday baking of my own. The biggest expense will be for the almond flour, which is pretty easy to find now days. Most all grocery stores carry it, and it makes the task so much easier. The rest is nothing more than egg white, powdered sugar, salt, and almond flavoring. You can find the recipe with the amounts here on Food52 as well. Best of all, your money will make you more that this recipe calls for, and extra will freeze nicely. Just beware that if you make it, you will prefer it and find reasons to make it again.
charlie November 18, 2023
Thanks for the answer. I'll try making my own. I do love marzipan...
Amanda H. November 18, 2023
Lori -- thanks so much for weighing in and offering a homemade recipe for marzipan! I wish I'd thought to do that! Charlie, yes, marzipan is expensive. Another option would be to halve the recipe because it also makes a lot. Whatever you do, I hope you like the bars!
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