I made these last week and while they were extremely well received by dinner guests, I noted that my biscuits were about half the height of a reg...

...ular biscuit. I certainly followed the receipe and used baking powder. Where might I have gone wrong?

Cookbook Thief
Cheese Biscuits
Recipe question for: Cheese Biscuits


jeinde May 6, 2011
Baking powder (and soda) has expiration dates on it which I discovered when I had something not rise properly. When you only use a tsp. occasionally, it can get past that date pretty quickly.
Cookbook T. May 6, 2011
Guilty. I suspected that the age of my baking powder might be the issue and I should really know better at this point. I think it might be time to chuck it and start with a fresh supply. Thank you!
Merrill S. May 6, 2011
As you can probably tell from our photos, we had no problems with rising. Is there any chance that your baking powder has been sitting around for a while?
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