Where can you Purchase Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 in the United States?

Does anyone know where you can purchase Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 (Wheat Protein 5000) in the US?

  • Posted by: Scott
  • May 27, 2024


Nancy May 28, 2024
In Canada, available at Amazon and other online suppliers.
So by guess the product will also be at Amazon.com (USA) and other online stores there.
Scott May 28, 2024
Thanks Nancy. Amazon was the first place I went, but was unable to locate anything on the USA site.
Nancy May 28, 2024
Well there were several on the Amazon canada site when I checked this morning.

Two suggestions - see if the Canada Amazon site will ship to you in the US. Also, ask around to find out if the product is banned or restricted there.
Scott May 28, 2024
Thanks Nancy. I did a search on Amazon.CA after reading your post and was not able to find it. I am probably bad at searching. Can you tell me the name of the product you found or even a link (not sure if that is possible).
Nancy May 28, 2024
Scott - I think I misread or too quickly read some of the labels.
Amazon Canada YES has protein isolate products but not apparently made from wheat.
On closer inspection and reading labels, they are mostly made from whey (a dairy product).
Is that any good for you?
Example - Rule 1 Isolate Protein (top rated with more than 5,000 top reviews).
Scott May 28, 2024
I appreciate you taking time to look. I think I just need to find an alternative product. I was looking at using Whey Protein Isolate, but now sure if it will have the same properties when used for baking.
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