Does anyone happen to have this recipe converted to grams?

  • Posted by: Cranky
  • July 5, 2024
Mom's Flapjacks
Recipe question for: Mom's Flapjacks


tomfinn July 8, 2024
To convert a recipe to grams, you'll need the specific ingredient measurements. If you provide the recipe, I can help convert the quantities for you.
Nancy July 7, 2024
Cranky - another internet search approach.

Use a recipe that already has metric measures and one has a reason to trust. Here are two - one with a high # of positive reviews, and one from the makers of Lyle's Golden Syrup, one of my favorite British ingredients and a company that knows something about baking.

Hope this helps.
702551 July 5, 2024
"Googling it" is a waste of time in 2024. For the past 5+ years, their search engine is just a sad monetization money grab more interested in serving up sponsored results than actually providing useful answers.

The most efficient M.O. would be to shove the original recipe into an online recipe conversion tool. This you can probably find with a search engine that is more privacy focused like StartPage, DuckDuckGo, a few others.

But beware of any advice in 2024 where the person responding says "Google it." That paradigm is DEAD.
KLS July 5, 2024
google it
Cranky July 6, 2024
Thank you for your advice. If no one has it, I will probably do so.
However, in my experience some recipes get lost in translation, so if anyone already tried this and worked out the kinks while doing so, this would be very nice.
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