I've kept a cast-iron skillet in near-perfect condition for about 40 years, using it several times a week. Last night, I was drying it....
...and left it, forgetting that the heat was on. An hour later I saw the smoke and remembered. I let it cool and went about scrubbing the now-brown surface with sea salt (as I always clean it). The brown came off more easily than I guessed it would, but surface seems kind of gray. I covered it with olive oil and left it overnight. The surface is still grayish--perhaps just what a well seasoned cast-iron skillet looks like when the seasoning has been removed??? Can I cook on it safely? Any suggestions gratefully received. DKS
Hope you get goid advice here.
If not, or you want more help, go to the Lodge cast iron website, see their directions for maintaining and preseason pans, or contact their help desk.